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01 - The Rivers Of Belief (Radio Edit).mEnigma
00:00 / 04:19

If you believe in light, it's because of obscurity
If you believe in joy, it's because of sadness
And if you believe in God, it's because of the Devil-Enigma


Trust Everyone just don't trust the devil inside them.
Rumi quote about good and evil

Evil is a product of an imbalance-Daniel Matt

There’s a difference between the soul consciousness and the Satan consciousness, both of which we all have within us. The soul consciousness is our real essence that, according to kabbalists, will stay forever. Satan consciousness will eventually be limited or transformed completely because it’s not our real essence, even though those feelings seem to be real in our lives.-Excerpt from a Kabbalistic view on Satan

We have within us to be the manipulator of others, or the pleaser of others.


One very powerful way a manipulator uses another person is by guilt. Guilt is to make someone feel guilty, especially in order to induce them to do something, or be someone they are not. It’s a feeling they did something wrong, either intentionally or accidentally- and therefore this person wants to please and sacrifices.

The manipulator thinks about their self first. The pleaser thinks about the other person first. 

We must ask, what are their morals? What do they value? 

From how they operate, they must have different morals they live by. 

One is thought to be Good behavior and the other, Bad behavior.

Can we transcend the manipulator and pleaser within us, and their good and wicked intentions? 

This takes courage and a willingness to embrace the opposite within. But once achieved we have started to slay the Devil within. 

Do you have the courage?

Carl Jung quote about the shadow
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