Why read Serena Jade's Books, listen to her talk, Laugh with her, heal thru Sound Vibration, indulge in a Kundalini Tantra yoga class, or work one on one with her?
Are you ready to understand your higher nature,
and work on your lower nature, Ego (Personality)?
"When we achieve a spiritual awakening, we become aware of our ego as a significant obstacle in our ascent. The soul's enslavement to the ego is the most difficult and burdensome thing for it to overcome on its upward journey.
A significant step on every path to the soul, then, is the intellectual and emotional effort we give to limiting the power of the ego. This enterprise is known as "self-nullification," and it is at the core of our spiritual striving. It does not involve minimizing our identity to become nothing; rather, it is a process that is meant to limit the control of the ego. Setting limits and boundaries for the ego is therefore a fundamental task for us all." -Rabbi Steinsaltz
Sufi Master: Llewellyn Vaughvan-Lee talks Psychology is important to Spirituality
The White Package

Let's usher in the authentic Age of Aquarius. Let's awaken our sixth-sense, and unite the soul with the ego.
Are you ready to bring a new myth into existence? Where the Big Bang of Creation is at its center? Are you ready to go from a Patriarchal to an Androgynous society? If yes, take Serena's course, read her book, work one on one with her.
In this package, you get 1 Course, 1 Book, 1 Journal, 2- 1 hour-Sound Bowl, Chakra balancing guided meditations. 2- 1-hour Kundalini yoga classes. All for only $150.00.
The Bronze Package

Let's go on a spiritual journey, where you awaken your sixth-sense.
Would you like to get in touch with your soul's passion, so you can cross paths with a soul companion? If yes, take Serena's course, reduce stress and laugh with her. Read her story, read an ancient soul connection story, and learn about Tantra yoga, and work one on one with her.
In this package, you get 1 Course, 1 - hour Laughing Yoga session, Meditate in a Sound Balancing Therapy 2-1-hour Sessions, 2-1-hour Tantra yoga classes, 3 Books, 2 Journals, and 2- 1 hour Coaching with guided meditations with Serena. All for only $300.00.
The Silver Package


Let's go on a spiritual journey, where you awaken your sixth-sense.
Would you like to get in touch with your soul's passion, so you can cross paths with a soul companion? If yes, take Serena's course, reduce stress and laugh with her. Read her story, read an ancient soul connection story, and learn about Tantra yoga, learn the secret to a great body image, and work one on one with her.
In this package, you get 2 Courses, 2-1 hour Laughing Yoga Sessions, Meditate in Sound Balancing Therapy 3-1-hour Sessions, 3-1-hour Tantra yoga classes, 4 Books, 3 Journals, and 3- 1 hour Coaching, with guided meditations with Serena. All for only $650.00.
The Gold Package


Let's go on a spiritual journey, where you awaken your sixth-sense.
Would you like to get in touch with your soul's passion, so you can cross paths with a soul companion? If yes, take Serena's course, reduce stress and laugh with her. Read her story, read an ancient soul connection story, and learn about Tantra yoga, learn the secret to a great body image, enjoy a delicious bottle Cabernet Sauvignon from Mendocino, California, and work one on one with her.